Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2017

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Empowering patients to self-care with a Velcro wrap compression device

Empowering patients to self-care with a Velcro wrap compression device
Wound care

Article topics: Concordance, Empowerment, Leg ulceration, Lymphovenous oedema, Self-management, Wound care

Chronic oedema is a soft tissue swelling present for at least three months, most commonly caused by venous and lymphatic impairment. It has a huge impact on quality of life and over time may cause social deprivation. The mainstay of treatment is compression therapy and treatment of the underlying cause. Comfort and acceptability of the compression system is essential. Clinicians need to work with patients to ensure that they are included in treatment decisions and empowered to take charge of their condition.

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