Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2015

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Providing support for carers in preventing pressure ulceration

Providing support for carers in preventing pressure ulceration

Article topics: Preventing pressure ulceration, Support for carers

Diane Cuff, head of family carers and community wellbeing, Shropshire Rural Community Council, Shrewsbury

Preventing pressure ulcers is essential for both the patient and the NHS, as failing to do so results in considerable pain and discomfort to the individual, delayed discharge, higher treatment costs and the threat of legal action. In this article however, I will consider the costs to the family, in particular the carers, and the key role they play in preventing pressure ulcers within the home. To help illustrate these issues, I have focused on the experiences of one family carer and the questions this case raises for community care and carer support.

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