Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2015

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Five steps to successful wound healing in the community

Five steps to successful wound healing in the community
Wound management

Article topics: Assessment, Dressings, Referral, Wound care

Wound care forms a major part of any community nurse’s workload and with more acute patients being discharged earlier from hospital, as well as an ever-growing case-load of long-term conditions, it is more important than ever that nurses are confident in assessing and care-planning effective wound care. As ever, accurate assessment of the patient and the wound is the starting point and will help nurses choose the most effective treatment, resulting in improved patient outcomes and reduced costs. Poor wound care can lead to delayed healing, increased infection and inappropriate use of wound dressings, all of which impact on patients’ quality of life. In this article, the author outlines five main steps to consider in providing evidence-based, effective wound care.

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