Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2015

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Are your wound management choices costing you money?

Are your wound management choices costing you money?

Article topics: Cheaper treatment options, increasing strain on NHS budgets, Wound management

With the government looking to cut costs across the healthcare landscape, identifying comparable but cheaper treatment options can help you make savings. Here, Tracey Morgan, clinical nurse specialist tissue viability, takes a look at the facts...

The challenges facing the NHS now and in the future are well publicised, as is the need for significant change if it is to avoid widespread overspend, or decline in the quality of care delivered (NHS England, 2014). The population is ageing and this, coupled with medical and technological advances, means that more people are living for longer with multiple comorbidities such as diabetes, putting increasing strain on NHS budgets (NHS England, 2014).

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