Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2006

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HNA - the theory practice gap recedes

HNA - the theory practice gap recedes
Health visiting

Pages: 10 - 16

Article topics: Needs led approach, Reducing health inequalities, Systematic review of health issues

Gill Coverdale & Kath Lancaster explore the key themes of carrying out a health needs assessment.
Gill Coverdale BSc (Hons), SCPHN – School Nursing, Cert Ed, RGN is a Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing and Course Leader for School Nursing Pathway of the SCPHN Degree Programme, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Kath Lancaster MSc Advanced Nursing Practice, BSc (Hons), SCPHN, Dip RN – School Nursing, Advanced Dip Teaching & Learning, RGN is a Health Needs Assessment Nurse Specialist, Airedale Primary Care Trust.
Article accepted for publication: May 2006

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