Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | August 2004

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Non-medical prescribing - an overview

Nurse prescribing

Article topics: Crown report, Educational preparation, Patient experiences

Dr Molly Courtenay and Matt Griffiths provide an update on the progress of non-medical prescribing. Dr Molly Courtenay, PhD, MSc, BSc, Cert Ed, RNT, RGN is Reader in Prescribing and Medicines Management, School of Health & Social Care, Reading University, and Prescribing Adviser at the RCN.
Matt Griffiths, RGN, A&E Cert, FAETC is a Senior Charge Nurse, Peterborough Walk-in Centre, Peterborough and Prescribing Adviser at the RCN. Article accepted for publication: June 2004

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