Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | July 2012

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Public mental health in primary care

Public mental health in primary care
Mental health

Pages: 20 - 23

Article topics: Lifespan, Primary care, Public mental health

Mental health is a serious public health issue that warrants attention and action by all involved in health and wellbeing strategies. The recent National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for Common Mental Health Disorders highlights that Common Mental Disorders (CMD), such as anxiety and depression can be found in one in six people in the community at any one time. Of those identified, half will have significant symptoms that require interventions from healthcare professionals. In view of the suffering and impact that this has on the holistic aspects of the individual, family and society, it requires a whole systems proactive approach in detecting, managing and preventing further episodes.

Thomas J. Currid RMN, RNT, BSc (Hons) PGCE, Pg Dip (CBT), M.A., Senior Lecturer in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, London South Bank University, London, UK
Marie Horgan RGN, RMN, Dip Mgt, CLTHE, MSc, Principal Lecturer in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, London South Bank University, London, UK

Article accepted for publication: October 2011

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