Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | July 2002

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Stress among community mental health nurses

Mental health

Article topics: Dementia, Demographic changes, Self-esteem

Deborah Edwards et al. describe a Welsh study which looked at the factors surrounding increased stress levels in community mental health nurses.
Deborah Edwards MPhil, BSc (Hons) is a Lead Researcher.
Ann Fothergill PhD, BSc (Hons), PGCE, RGN, RMN is a Lecturer.
Ben Hannigan BA (Hons), MA, RGN, RMN, DPSN (CPN) is a Lecturer.
Philip Burnard PhD, MSc, RGN, RMN, DipN, CertEd, RNT is Vice Dean.
Dave Coyle is a Lecturer.
All employed at the University of Wales College of Medicine.
Article accepted for publication May 2001.

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