Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | June 2021

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Erosive pustular dermatosis: a complication in chronic venous leg ulcers

Erosive pustular dermatosis: a complication in chronic venous leg ulcers
Skin care

Pages: 42 - 49

Article topics: Chronic venous leg ulcer, Critical reflection, Erosive pustular dermatosis (EPD), Patient history, Tissue viability

Erosive pustular dermatosis (EPD) of the leg is a rare condition that is challenging and complex to diagnose and treat. This cutaneous inflammatory disease is associated with trophic changes of the lower limb, and while its incidence is unknown, it is believed to be more common than previously thought. Care of leg ulcers poses a considerable burden to the health service, although it is estimated that only half of patients receive the appropriate treatment. This article reflects on the case of a patient with chronic ulcerated and swollen legs who was referred to a wound advisory clinic by his GP. It critically assesses the data from the patient history, physical examination and treatment decisions. It is hoped that describing this case — patient history, findings from physical examination and treatment plan — will help further community nurses’ understanding of the condition.

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