Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | June 2000

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Developing primary care nursing: the contribution of nursing development units


Article topics: Innovation primary care multidisciplinary

Kate Gerrish, Alison Ferguson, Nicki Kitching and Jane Mischenko discuss the development of an NDU site in Leeds.

Kate Gerrish RGN, RM, DN Cert, PhD, MSc, B.Nurs, Reader, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of Sheffield.

Alison Ferguson RGN, ONC, BA (Hons), MSc, PGDE, Programme Director, Practice Development, Centre of the Development of Nursing Policy and Practice, University of Leeds.

Nicki Kitching RGN, NDN, BSc (Hons) & Jane Mischenko RGN, RHV, BSc (Hons) are both Joint Clinical Leaders, Middleton Clinic, Leeds Community and Mental Health Trust.

Article accepted for publication February 2000.

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