Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | May 2015

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Understanding the development and management of shingles

Understanding the development and management of shingles
Skin care

Article topics: Herpes virus, Prevention, Shingles, Skin care, Vaccination

Shingles is a condition caused by reactivation of the herpes virus that is responsible for varicella (chickenpox). It results in a painful, vesicular rash that can have a devastating effect on patients. It can also have long-lasting effects such as pain and increased risk of vascular conditions such as stroke for patients under the age of 40. Being that shingles is not a notifiable disease, most of the information available on its incidence is inaccurate and based mostly on estimate studies. The health prevention of this virus is of extreme importance as a vaccination programme is made available to eligible individuals. Patients that develop shingles under the age of 40 can also be assessed for the risks of developing vascular conditions.

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