Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | May 2013

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Making a difference: integrating the Liverpool Care Pathway into practice

Making a difference: integrating the Liverpool Care Pathway into practice
Palliative care

Pages: 38 - 41

Article topics: Care audit, End of life care, Liverpool care pathway

The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an integrated pathway developed to enhance the quality of end of life care for dying patients and their families. The purpose of this study was to introduce the LCP into a community setting and continually audit its use to provide statistical evidence as to whether the use of the pathway improved documentation in the three key areas of initial assessment and care, on-going assessment and care after death.

Hertfordshire Community Nursing Team
West Hertfordshire Community Macmillan Team
Three GP Surgeries, Hertfordshire
Liz Garrood, End of Life Care Strategy Educator, Hertfordshire
Sarah Russell, Director of Education and Research, Hospice of St Francis, Hertfordshire.

Cheryl Manners, Team Lead, Community Nursing and Therapy, Hertfordshire.
Sharon Roberts, Community Macmillan Nurse, Palliative Care Service, Hertfordshire.

Article accepted for publication: February 2013

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