Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | May 2011

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Understanding and managing breakthrough pain

Pain management

Article topics: Breakthrough cancer pain, Pain monitoring & assessment, Physical, Psychological & economic burden

Ray Bunn & Professor Matt Griffiths discuss the management of breakthrough cancer pain with a focus on the community setting

Ray J Bunn BPharm, MBA, MRPharmS.,Community and Palliative Care Pharmacist, Kamsons Pharmacy and St. Catherine’s Hospice, Crawley and Visiting Lecturer in Palliative Care, School of Pharmacy, Brighton University.
Professor Matt Griffiths RGN, BA(Hons), A&E Cert, FAETC, NISP, Independent Nurse Consultant, Visiting Professor of Prescribing & Medicines Management, The University of the West of England, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, North Brink Practice, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

Interests: Ray Bunn has undertaken consultancy work for Flynn Pharma and Nycomed. Matt Griffiths has undertaken
consultancy work for Flynn Pharma.

Article accepted for publication: March 2011 

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