Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | April 2018

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A review of full-thickness pressure ulcer healing in primary care

A review of full-thickness pressure ulcer healing in primary care
Wound care

Article topics: Avoidable, End of Life, Pressure ulcer, Pressure ulcer healing, Primary care, Unavoidable, Wound care, Wound healing

This article reports on the monitoring of healing rates of fullthickness pressure ulcers at one care provider in the Midlands. This was an agreed measure that was part of the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) incentive scheme for the CCG. It was an attempt to provide data to support the anecdotal reports that pressure ulcer healing rates had improved after the implementation of a pressure ulcer reduction scheme called the Midlands and East Pressure Ulcer Ambition in 2012. The healing times for full-thickness pressure ulcers were recorded at 40 and 80 days after being reported by the community care provider (a community interest company [CIC], providing NHS funded services). There were 138 patients included in the data collected over a one-year period in 2015. A total of 34% of the patients were healed or healing at 40 days. A total of 55% of patients were healed or healing at 80 days. Of the 138 patients who had a full-thickness pressure ulcer, 56 died (41%), 15% had deteriorating or static wounds at 40 days and 9% at 80 days. This demonstrates that the majority of full-thickness pressure ulcers progress to healing unless the patient is at the end of life. There should be a continued emphasis on preventing as many pressure ulcers as possible to reduce avoidable harm to patients.

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