Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | April 2017

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What does the future hold for community nurses?

What does the future hold for community nurses?

Article topics: Community nursing, Hallam medical, Recruitment

This month Hallam Medical, the nursing recruitment agency, celebrates its tenth anniversary, and over that time we have placed a lot of nurses in exciting new roles as well as developing our commitment to nurse education. During this period, there have also been a lot of changes in the wider NHS as well as in the world of community nursing. But, as we work in an ever-evolving environment, what changes can we expect in the future and, more importantly, are we actually ready for them?

Having co-founded Hallam Medical I have to say the past ten years have flown by, but despite it only being a decade, an awful lot has changed, in primary care in particular. Not only have the health needs of the general population altered significantly — witness the major growth in chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity for example — but the nursing profession as a whole has had to change, evolve and adapt to meet these new challenges.

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