Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | April 2014

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The use of a faecal management system in sacral pressure ulcer care

The use of a faecal management system in sacral pressure ulcer care
Skin care (Continence)

Pages: 29 - 35

Article topics: Continence, Faecal incontinence, Sacral pressure damage, Skin care

This article aims to explore the perception that treatment of sacral pressure ulcers is costly and time-consuming, especially when faced with faecally incontinent patients with loose stool.  The authors’ tissue viability service used a faecal management system to prevent faeces from coming into contact with the wound bed for 12 weeks, while simultaneously allowing a conventional dressing to perform to its maximum ability. A total cost and wound-healing comparison was carried out in two community patients who were faecally incontinent and bed-bound. One patient was managed with a faecal management system and the other with incontinence pads. The authors found that although the purchase of the faecal management system was initially costly, the frequency of dressing change was reduced, the patient felt more comfortable and fewer visits from the community nurses were necessary. Also, faster healing rates were demonstrated by reductions in wound size. This technique requires further studies with a larger sample size to ascertain its true benefits, particularly around wound healing.

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