Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | April 2009

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Parafricta™ material: can it reduce the potential for pressure damage?

Parafricta™ material: can it reduce the potential for pressure damage?
Product news

Pages: 28 - 31

Article topics: Healing rates, Pressure ulceration, Shear & friction damage

Sylvie Hampton, Dr Stephen Young, Cathie Bree-Aslan and Anna Colbourn discuss the use of Parafricta ™ material in community care homes

Sylvie Hampton MA, BSc Hons, DpSN, RGN is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne; Dr Stephen Young BSc, PhD, FRSM, Cathie Bree-Aslan RGN, DipN RSHom, DipHERB is a Tissue Viability Consultant, Eastbourne and Anna Colbourn RGN is a Tissue Viability Nurse, Wound Healing Centre, Eastbourne

Acknowledgements: This article was commissioned by APA Parafricta Ltd. Website for further information:

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