Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | March 2013

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Management of osteoporosis update

Management of osteoporosis update
Female health

Pages: 4 - 7

Article topics: Concordance, Drug treatments, Osteoporosis

New drug treatments and licence extensions for existing osteoporosis treatments have emerged, although debate continues about drug treatment length and safety, particularly potential adverse effects. Alarming media reports regarding treatments and adverse effects appear regularly, heightening public anxiety. If doctor consultations are brief and there is little opportunity to explore treatment benefits and risks, and discuss uncertainty, it seems unsurprising that many patients consider abandoning their treatments altogether.

Rachel Ashcroft-Hands BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies, RGN is an Osteoporosis Nurse for the National Osteoporosis Society, Bath.

Article accepted for publication: December 2012

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