Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | March 2013

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Dermatological issues in lymphoedema and chronic oedema

Dermatological issues in lymphoedema and chronic oedema
Skin care

Pages: 27 - 32

Article topics: Function of the skin, Skin care, Skin care in lymphoedema and chronic oedema, Specific interventions

In order to understand lymphoedema and chronic oedema skin breakdown and thus consider the most appropriate treatment options and strategies for patient education, the normal function and structure of the skin must be understood.

This abridged version of the chapter of the same name, from the International Lymphoedema Framework document, Best Practice for the Management of Lymphoedema (2nd ed.), outlines the skin conditions commonly see in lymphoedema and chronic oedema and offers management strategies for these.

The Editor would like to thank MEP Ltd (London), for their kind permission to reproduce the images in this article.

The Editor would also like to thank the International Lymphoedema Framework for allowing publication of this abridged chapter. The full document can be found at

Mieke Flour, MD, Senior Staff Dermatology Department, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, Head of out-patient clinics: chronic wounds, conservative phlebology, lymphoedema, compression and multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic

Article accepted for publication: October 2012

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