Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | March 2012

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Skin care of the incontinent patient

Skin care of the incontinent patient
Skin care (Continence)

Pages: 31 - 37

Article topics: Maceration and excoriation, Moisture lesion, Skin care, Skin care regimen

People who are incontinent of urine and/or faeces are at greater risk of developing localised redness, irritation, skin peeling and fungal infections around the perineum, sacrum, groin, ischial tuberosities and hips. In addition, the risk of skin breakdown and pressure ulcers in association with moisture can be increased. This article will explore best recommended practice in the management of skin damage caused by incontinence.

Maureen Benbow MSc BA RGN HERC Senior Lecturer, University of Chester.

Article accepted for publication: January 2012

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