Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | March 2012

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Best practice in use of licensed medicines

Best practice in use of licensed medicines
Nurse prescribing

Pages: 22 - 23

Article topics: Adverse event, Licence by country, Use of unlicensed medicines

On the  20th September 2011, four European patient organisations (European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines, European Federation of Neurological Associations, European Men’s Health Forum & European Depression Association), published a consensus statement raising concerns about the unlicensed and off-label use of medicines, and calling for a professional Code of Practice. In light of this, Matt Griffiths discusses why practitioners should use licensed medicines whenever possible.

Professor Matt Griffiths RGN, A&E cert, BA (Hons), FAETC, NISP, Independent Nurse Consultant, Visiting Professor of Prescribing & Medicines Management, The University of the West of England, Bristol, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, The Avenue Surgery, Warminster, Wiltshire.

Article accepted for publication: December 2011

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