Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | March 2002

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Nurse prescribing - testing the knowledge base

Nurse prescribing

Article topics: Educational needs, Nurse prescribing, Pharmacology knowledge

Mahesh Sodha, Glenn Williams, Rasila Shah & Jane Clegg describe a study aimed at investigating the pharmacological knowledge base of community nurses.
Mahesh Sodha BSc, MSc, MRPharmS, Independent Pharmacist (formerly Research Pharmacist, Parkside Health NHS Trust). Glenn Williams BSc, MA, MIHPE, R&D and Clinical Audit Deputy Manager, Parkside Health NHS Trust.
Rasila Shah BPharm, MBA, DipM, MRPharmS, PCG Pharmaceutical Advisor, Parkside Health NHS Trust.
Jane Clegg RN, RHV, BSc, MSc, Deputy Chief Nurse, Parkside Health NHS Trust
Article accepted for publication September 2001.

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