Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | February 2020

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Using an online non-prescription ordering service to drive efficiency and reduce unwarranted variation in wound care product use and spend

Using an online non-prescription ordering service to drive efficiency and reduce unwarranted variation in wound care product use and spend
Wound care

Article topics: Improved efficiency, Online non-prescription ordering service [ONPOS], Real-time data, Unwarranted variation, Wound care products

Currently, within the NHS there is a need to improve efficiency to maximise quality of care, patient experience and outcomes, within the constraints of a limited budget. At the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, the cost of wound care was increasing year on year, and in order to drive efficiency, procurement of dressings was switched from supply chain to ONPOS. Over a 12-month period, the use of ONPOS has resulted in 100% formulary compliance for adult community services. The number of brands of products used by the service has almost been halved, and the number of individual dressing units purchased has reduced by 36,000. Finally, cost savings are predicted for the adult community service in 19/20, after a five-year growth in costs year on year.

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