Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | February 2009

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Care of the dying: advice for primary care nurses

Care of the dying: advice for primary care nurses
Palliative care

Pages: 4 - 8

Article topics: Specialist care services, Telephone advice line

Dr Sally Lawton, Dr Gordon Linklater, Dr Margaret Denholm & Lisa Macaulay discuss the main reasons why primary care-based nurses phone a specialist palliative care advice line.

Sally Lawton RGN, NDN (Cert), RCNT, RDNT, MA, PhD, LL.M, Senior Lecturer in Palliative Care (Nursing), NHS Grampian

Gordon Linklater MBChB, FRCP, DipMedEd, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, NHS Grampian

Margaret Denholm MBChB, MRCGP, DipPall.Med, Specialist Registrar, Palliative Medicine, NHS Grampian

Lisa Macaulay DipHE Nursing, Research and Development Nurse, Department of Palliative Medicine

Article accepted for publication: August 2008

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