Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | February 2006

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A clinical audit of Actico cohesive short stretch bandages

A clinical audit of Actico cohesive short stretch bandages
Clinical audit

Pages: 4 - 10

Article topics: Actico cohesive bandage, Clinical audit, Lymphoedema, Lymphoedema bandaging, Short stretch (inelastic) bandages

Anne Williams gives an overview of Actico cohesive short stretch (inelastic) bandages in the management of lymphoedema.
Anne F. Williams RGN, MSc, DN, RNT, Onc Cert is a Lymphoedema Specialist Practitioner, Dalkeith, Scotland.
Article accepted for publication: December 2005

With grateful thanks to participating centres/practitioners:
A. Batchelor, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, St Margaret's Hospice Taunton.
M. Boyle, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Forth Valley Lymphoedema Service.
E. Jennings, Lymphoedema Nurse, Ardgowan Hospice.
M. Key, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Greater Glasgow NHS Board.
M. Lewis, Macmillan Lymphoedema Specialist, Singleton Hospital, Swansea.
U. Oja, Lymphoedema Therapist/ Senior Physiotherapist, Truro.
M. Todd, Specialist Lymphoedema Nurse, Greater Glasgow NHS Board.
J. Wigg, Clinical Nurse Manager, Wolverhampton Lymphoedema Service.

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