Pages: 60 - 63
Article topics: Dermatology, Psoriasis, Skin care, Skin care guidance
Psoriasis can be a long-term condition, which is a significant problem for approximately 2% of the UK population. Recent NICE guidance on the treatment of psoriasis provides much-needed advice and reminds clinicians of the importance of assessment (both physical and psychological) and of talking to patients about side-effects and mode of action. Primary care nurses are in a great position to work with patients to ensure that they have the optimum treatment regimen, and that they have realistic expectations as to how it will work. An optimum regimen should always include an emollient, a topical product to treat plaques on the body along with topical products for scalp, face and flexures as necessary.
Rebecca Penzer, Community Dermatology Specialist Nurse/Clinical Lead Community Dermatology, Community Nursing and Therapy Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust