Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | January 2014

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Using natural properties to manage chronic wounds

Using natural properties to manage chronic wounds
Wound management

Pages: 48 - 53

Article topics: Advanced wound care, Gelling capability, Natural product, Retention and, Wound care

An advanced wound care dressing that uses a natural resource in its ability to absorb and retain moisture as well as to provide antimicrobial properties, offers a new multi-functional, biointeractive protease modulator to the wound dressing arena. Several factors indicate the need for such a dressing, namely: an ageing population inevitably increases the prevalence of wounds managed across acute and community settings, the prevention and management of infection remains a priority and the use of natural resources is becoming more important. This article considers the literature supporting this product and, using care study examples, demonstrates its potential impact on patient outcomes.

Jackie Stephen-Haynes, Professor and Consultant Nurse, Practice Development Unit, Birmingham City University and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust
Elaine Gibson, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, East Kent University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Manager, Aspen
Medical Europe Ltd
Michelle Greenwood, Consultant Nurse Tissue Viability, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and Associate Lecturer, Practice Development Unit, Birmingham City University

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