Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | January 2014

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Exit site management in the community using Kendall™ AMD Antimicrobial Foam Dressing with PHMB

Exit site management in the community using Kendall™ AMD Antimicrobial Foam Dressing with PHMB
Wound management

Pages: 55 - 58

Article topics: Exit site management, Kendall™ AMD antimicrobialfoam dressing with PHMB, Overgranulation, Percutaneous devices, Wound care

Exit sites are commonly encountered in the community setting as a result of a shift in clinical practice that means more patients with complex conditions are being managed at home. The management of exit sites varies according to indication, but there are principles of practice that are common to all sites, and these are outlined in this article. Kendall™ AMD Antimicrobial Foam Dressing with PHMB has been used to successfully prevent and manage infection of exit sites, and to manage overgranulation, a common complication of these wounds.

Julie Evans, Tissue Viability Nurse, Abertawe BroMorgannwg University Health Board, Swansea

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