Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | January 2014

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Dementia care: reducing carers’ emotional burden

Dementia care: reducing carers’ emotional burden
Mental health

Pages: 64 - 67

Article topics: Opportunistic development, Psychological support, Stress levels, Understanding dynamics of family relationships

This article describes an initiative in which the Good Care Group and Dementia UK formed a unique partnership that enables specialist dementia care services delivered by a highly qualified Admiral nurse to be provided to clients, families and professional carers in home care settings. Admiral nurses are specialist mental health nurses supported by Dementia UK, and the Good Care Group is the only home care provider to offer this service to its clientele. Admiral nurse support clearly improves quality in the delivery of live-in care provision; support that is substantially beneficial for community nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Zoe Elkins, Head of Care Strategy, The Good Care Group;
Ian Weatherhead, Lead Nurse, Admiral Nursing Direct, Dementia UK

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