Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) | January 2013

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Lindsay Leg Clubs: clinically effective, cost effective

Lindsay Leg Clubs: clinically effective, cost effective
Wound management

Pages: 5 - 8

Article topics: Maceration and excoriation, Moisture lesion, Skin care regimen, Wound care

Economic studies of leg ulcer management strategies have mainly concentrated on different compression, dressing and pharmaceutical products rather than different modes of delivery or systems of care.

Leg ulcer management in the community presents a number of challenges. This paper discusses the challenges and rationale of introducing a new service delivery for leg ulcer management based on patient empowerment, health promotion and education, and its implication for clinical practice. It focuses on an initiative that provides a patient-centred resource for the prevention, treatment and management of leg ulcers and associated conditions.

Ellie Lindsay BSc (Hons) RN, DN, CPT, DipHE, Independent Specialist Practitioner. Visiting Fellow, Queensland University of Technology.

Article accepted for publication: October 2012

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