JCN subscribe


Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) is the leading journal for nurses working in the community. 

While all of our online content is FREE to access (including the electronic version of the journal), if you would like to receive a print copy of the JCN, there is a small charge. 

For all institutional subscriptions you need to contact us or download a form as normal. This online payment option is only for individual HCPs in the UK.


£30 a year
Payable upfront or in 6 x £5 instalments
Heart of England Forest Logo
Our organisation is committed to being as environmentally friendly as possible and in 2018 made a commitment to go 'paper free'. Since then, we have donated a portion of every subscription for a print copy of the JCN to the Heart of England Forest — funding for 3,000 trees has been provided to date.