JCN Study Day Exeter 2024

JCN Study Day Exeter 2024

Sandy Park Conference & Banqueting Centre
20 Mar 2024 9:00AM - 3:30PM

Our events are, as ever, an invaluable opportunity to meet with exhibitors, discuss latest products, treatments and techniques. At this unique educational event you can attend a selection of professional, certificated study sessions that will focus on many important areas of your caseload and count towards your Revalidation requirements.


8:00 am

YOU need it to survive, THEY need it to heal

Smith & Nephew

9:15 am

Welcome to the JCN & GPN study day and exhibition

9:30 am

Pressure v moisture: a key to success

Medicareplus International Ltd

10:15 am

Introducing Wound Balance: placing the patient at the heart of wound healing

Hartmann UK & Ireland

11:00 am

Break for refreshments and exhibition viewing

11:45 am

The sustainable impact of a standardised approach to lower limb care.

L&R Medical UK 

12:30 pm

Wound bed preparation: fail to prepare, prepare to fail


1:15 pm

Break for lunch and exhibition viewing

2:15 pm

Optimising wound healing: mastering exudate management and the crucial role of exudate transfer

Mölnlycke Health Care

3:00 pm

A practical guide to vascular assessment (ABPI/TBPI)

Supported by Huntleigh

Why Attend?

The event is free to attend and a light lunch is provided. Space is limited so if you would like to join us register now.

JCN - Journal of Community Nursing GPN - The Journal of General Practice Nursing
L and R H&R Medicareplus
Molnlycke Hartmann Microworld
Huntleigh Smith+Nephew


Sandy Park Conference & Banqueting Centre
Sandy Park Way

Car Parking
Car Parking

There is an onsite car park at Sandy Park with over 500 spaces. 

  • All visitors will need to enter their vehicle registration number at one of the machines in the car park
  • There is no need to display the receipt in the vehicle once paid
  • Visitors can top up at a machine or by RingGo if overstayed
Charges are as follows:
Up to 1 hour: £1.00
Up to 5 hours: £2.50
Up to 14 hours: £4.50
Up to 24 hours: £6.00
Mobile app RingGo can be used to pay for the parking. Find out more here.

Get directions to the venue by entering your post code:

 By car    By public transport